电子邮箱:wangguiyin@sicau.edu.cn / 759986494@qq.com
1. 2015年9月—2019年6月,理学博士,welcome欢迎光临威尼斯公司,生态学专业
2. 2017年9月—2019年5月,受国家留学基金委(CSC)资助赴荷兰莱顿大学环境科学研究所进行博士联合培养
3. 2013年9月—2015年6月,农学硕士,welcome欢迎光临威尼斯公司,农业资源利用专业
4. 2009年9月—2013年6月,农学学士,welcome欢迎光临威尼斯公司,农业资源与利用专业
(二) 工作经历
[1] Guiyin Wang, Yujia Zhai*, Shirong Zhang*, Luisa Diomede, Paolo Bigini, Margherita Romeo, Sebastien Cambier, Servane Contal, Nhung H. A. Nguyen, Petra Rosická, Alena Ševců, Carmen Nickel, Martina G. Vijver, Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg. An across–species comparison of the sensitivity of different organisms to Pb–based perovskites used in solar cells. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 135134.
[2] Guiyin Wang, Shirong Zhang*, Qinmei Zhong, Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg, Martina G. Vijver. Feasibility of Chinese cabbage (Brassica bara) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa) cultivation in heavily metals−contaminated soil after washing with biodegradable chelators. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 197: 479-490.
[3] Guiyin Wang, Shirong Zhang* , Qinmei Zhong, Xiaoxun Xu, Ting Li, Yongxia Jia, Yanzong Zhang, Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg, Martina G. Vijver. Effect of soil washing with biodegradable chelators on the toxicity of residual metals and soil biological properties. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 625(1),1021–1029.
[4] Guiyin Wang, Shirong Zhang*, Ping Yao, Yue Chen, Xiaoxun Xu, Ting Li, Guoshu Gong. Removal of Pb(II) from aqueous solutions by Phytolacca americana L. biomass as a low cost biosorbent. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 11, 99–110.
[5] Guiyin Wang, Shirong Zhang*, Luoyi Xiao, Qinmei Zhong, Linxian Li, Guangrong Xu, Ouping Deng, Yulin Pu. Heavy metals in soils from a typical industrial area in Sichuan, China: spatial distribution, source identification, and ecological risk assessment. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2017, 24:16618–16630.
[6] Guiyin Wang, Shirong Zhang*, Xiaoxun Xu, Qinmei Zhong, Chuer Zhang, Yongxia Jia, Ting Li, Ouping Deng, Yun Li. Heavy metal removal by GLDA washing: Optimization, redistribution, recycling, and changes in soil fertility. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 569–570: 557–568.
[7] Guiyin Wang, Shirong Zhang*, Ting Li, Xiaoxun Xu, Qinmei Zhong, Yue Chen, Ouping Deng, Yun Li. Application of response surface methodology for the optimization of lead removal from contaminated soil using chelants. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 58010–58018.
[8] Guiyin Wang, Shirong Zhang*, Xiaoxun Xu, Ting Li, Yun Li, Ouping Deng, Guoshu Gong. Efficiency of nanoscale zero-valent iron on the enhanced low molecular weight organic acid removal Pb from contaminated soil. Chemosphere, 2014, 117: 617–624.
[9] Can Feng, Yue Chen, Shirong Zhang*, Guiyin Wang, Qinmei Zhong, Wei Zhou, Xiaoxun Xu, Ting Li. Removal of lead, zinc and cadmium from contaminated soils with two plant extracts: Mechanism and potential risks. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 187: 109829.
[10] Weijin Feng, Shirong Zhang*, Qinmei Zhong, Guiyin Wang, Xiaomei Pan, Xiaoxun Xu, Wei Zhou, Ting Li, Ling Luo, Yanzong Zhang. Soil washing remediation of heavy metal from contaminated soil with EDTMP and PAA: Properties, optimization, and risk assessment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 381(5): 120997.
[11] Zhenhua Xia, Shirong Zhang*, Yaru Cao, Qingmei Zhong, Guiyin Wang, Ting Li, Xiaoxun Xu. Remediation of cadmium, lead and zinc in contaminated soil with CETSA and MA/AA. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 366: 177–183.
[12] Can Feng, Shirong Zhang*, Linxian Li, Guiyin Wang, Xiaoxun Xu, Ting Li, Qinmei Zhong. Feasibility of four wastes to remove heavy metals from contaminated soils. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 212: 258-265.
[13] Yaru Cao, Shirong Zhang*, Qinmei Zhong, Guiyin Wang, Xiaoxun Xu, Ting Li, Lilin Wan, Yongxia Jia, Yun Li. Feasibility of nanoscale zero-valent iron to enhance the removal efficiencies of heavy metals from polluted soils by organic acids. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 162: 464–473.
[14] Yaru Cao, Shirong Zhang*, Guiyin Wang, Qinling Huang, Ting Li, Xiaoxun Xu. Removal of Pb, Zn, and Cd from contaminated soil by new washing agent from plant material. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2017. 24:8525–8533.
[15] Yaru Cao, Shirong Zhang*, Guiyin Wang, Ting Li, Xiaoxun Xu, Ouping Deng, Yanzong Zhang, Yulin Pu. Enhancing the soil heavy metals removal efficiency by adding HPMA and PBTCA along with plant washing agents. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 339: 33–42.
[16] Yue Chen, Shirong Zhang*, Xiaoxun Xu, Ping Yao, Ting Li, Guiyin Wang, Guoshu Gong, Yun Li, Ouping Deng. Effects of surfactants on low-molecular-weight organic acids to wash soil zinc. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2016, 23:4629–4638
[17] 苏灵慧, 王贵胤*, 张世熔, 钟钦梅, 张瑞琪, 潘小梅.改性硅灰石粉和水镁石粉对废水中磷的吸附效率研究. 水处理技术. 2019, 45(11): 35-41.
[1] 便捷型重金属污染农田泥水分离装置, 授权日: 2019-05-17,专利号: ZL201821538521.2,排名:4
[2] 纳米材料提升低分子有机酸去除土壤中铅、锌和镉的方法, 授权日: 2019-01-29, 专利号: ZL201610292766.0, 排名:6
[3] 一种利用生物质材料淋洗去除污染土壤中铅和锌的方法. 专利号:ZL201510388003.1. 授权公告日:2017-05-17. 排名:4
[4] 一种利用纳米零价铁与柠檬酸联合淋洗去除重金属污染土壤中铅的方法, 授权日:2016-06-29,专利号:ZL201310628861.X,排名:2
(1) 四川省科技计划重点研发项目,2019YFN0020,四川省农田土壤重金属污染防治关键技术研究,2019.01-2021.12,在研,主研
(2) 四川省环境保护科技项目,2018HB30,生物质材料对土壤重金属的淋洗效率研究,2017.01–2019.12,在研,主研
(1) 2019年6月: welcome欢迎光临威尼斯公司优秀博士毕业论文
(2) 2018年12月:博士研究生国家奖学金
(3) 2015年6月:welcome欢迎光临威尼斯公司优秀硕士毕业论文
(4) 2014年12月:硕士研究生国家奖学金
年份 |
组队学生 |
类型级别 |
项目名称 |
2020 |
吴晓宇(负责人)、郭其其、付沄夕、胡野 |
科研兴趣培养计划 |
多孔复合凝胶对废水中重金属去除性能研究 |
2020 |
李论(负责人)、严康、廖乙琳 |
科研兴趣培养计划 |
生物炭对Cd2+/Pb2+吸附机制的贡献研究 |
Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Pollution、Science of the Total Environment、Chemosphere等环境领域国际著名期刊审稿人